
Le Desert raconté aux enfants

12 Euros 
Photographs by Philippe Bourseiller
Texts by Catherine Guigon
Illustrations by Virginie Van den Bogaert
25 cm x 31 cm
80 pages
Abrams Editions 

Available in German (éditions Knesebeck “Die Sahara für Kinder erzählt, in French (Editions de la Martiniere Jeunesse, 2005)

The Sahara is full of surprises: Have you heard of the acacia, the tree that defies the desert?  Did you know that the peoples of the Peul tribe move according to the needs of their cow herds? Have you ever seen the deep blue of the Izouzaouene Mountains? From wildlife and history to human culture and geology… so many delights to arouse the imagination and open our eyes to the outside world.