
365 Gestes pour la Terre

13 Euros
Photography by Philippe Bourseiller
Texts by Anne Jankéliowitch
19 cm x 25 cm
144 pages
Editions De La Martiniere Jeunesse, 2007.

Why reuse the back of printed sheets instead of putting them in the trash? Why buy halogen lamps with high consumption when there are low energy bulbs?
Simply to respect the Earth … If thousands of people joined hands in taking action for its benefit, the Earth would be healthy once more.

Starting with fifty simple daily acts, this book shows how and why we must act for the environment. Simple explanatory texts teach us how to change some of our bad habits in order to respect Nature. Respecting our Planet, is knowing how to not ask so much from it. With stunning photographs, Philippe Bourseiller allows us to rediscover our Planet in all its diversity and beauty.
A civic book to teach us smart reflexes. Simply indispensable!